Lizzy Johnston ︎

Mailchimp & Co is a community of freelancers and agencies who use Mailchimp for their clients. Our cross-functional partners were in need of fresh photography to use across the Mailchimp & Co marketing materials. My team collaborated with them in building a creative brief and setting up a remote photo shoot.

In 2020 I art directed Mailchimp’s first remote shoot during the pandemic via Zoom. We worked with four photography duos to create a suite of images for Mailchimp & Co.

In 2021, I art directed an update for Mailchimp & Co’s photography library to simplify the mess and dial down the saturation.

JonPaul Douglass
Brian & Julia
Leta + Wade
Tropico Photo
The Marbles

Add’l Brand Studio Support
Elizabeth Teasley
Jane Song
Charlie Cooper
Joe Montesfusco

Open to freelance work. ︎

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Words of wisdom by Pee-wee Herman: “I know you are, but what am I?” ︎ “That’s my name. Don’t wear it out.” ︎ "Merci bleh bleh bleh." ︎ Long live Jambi!